목록Study (29)
TH3 6R3@T H@CK
1. Malware A portmanteau of "malicious" and "software", describing a wide variety of bad software used to infect and/or damage a system. Ransomware, worms, viruses, and trojans are all considered malware. It most often delivered via spam emails. 2. Man in the Middle Attack An attack on the "middleman", in this case, defined as the WI-Fi system that connects users to the Internet. Hackers who com..
1. Exploit A means of attack on a computer system, either a series of commands, malicious software, or piece of infected data. Note that in this context, "exploit" is a noun, not a verb, as in "The hacker used a malware exploit to gain accesss to the credit card's server." 2. Firewall Any technology, be it software or hardware, used to keep intruders out. 3. Hacker, Black Hat Any hacker who atte..
※ 네트워크 보안 수업에서 배운 내용과 참고 자료들을 바탕으로 직접 실습한 내용임 ※ 게시물 무단 복제 및 재배포 금지 1. 공격 대상 - Reverse TCP 공격 방화벽의 작동 기본 원칙은 들어오는 모든 연결은 차단하는 것이다. 따라서 역방향 연결은 방화벽에 의해 차단된다. Reverse TCP는 기본적으로 공격자가 방화벽에 의해 차단되는 연결을 시도하는 대신 장치가 공격자에 대한 연결을 시작한다. 이러한 방법은 방화벽에서 허용이 되고, 공격자는 장치를 제어하고 명령을 전달한다. 일종의 리버스 쉘이다. - Meterpreter Meterpreter는 Metasploit Framework(MSF)에 포함되어 있는 payload중 하나로, 확장된 기능을 수행하는 고급 payload이다. /usr/shar..
1. DDoS The acronym stands for Distributed Denial of Service and is a favorite Black Hat tool. Using multiple hosts and users, hackers bombard a website with a tidal wave of requests to such an extent that it locks up the system and forces it to temporarily shut down. 2. Domain A series of computers and associated peripherals(routers, printers, scanners), that are all connected as one entity. 3...
1. Authentication The process of identifying a user's identity, making sure that they can have access to the system and/or files. This can be accomplished either by a password, retina scan, or fingerprint scan, sometimes even a combination of the above. 2. Botnet A combination of the words "robot" and "network", a botnet is a network of computers that have been infected with a virus, and now are..